My Munay Ki Journey

My Munay Ki Journey

So I hear you ask what’s this Munay Ki all about?

(Pronounced Moon Eye Key)


I began my Munay Ki journey in 2014, it became available to the public in 2007 through Alberto Villoldo and The Four Winds Society. You can find a Munay Ki mentor in your area by clicking on their website here.



Munay Ki is…

NOT like any other energy system I have ever come across

NOT a system to further your business career, you are encouraged to pass the rites on at a fair fee, enough to make it available to all, make it sacred, worthy and “valuable” and pay for your time and skill set. I like to donate a percentage to charity especially those that give back to Pachamamma.


FOR true self development

FEELS like a Rite of Passage

REQUIRES motivation, discipline and commitment

A valuable tool for healing yourself

LIKELY to add to your skill set when working with others

WILL see you making changes in your life towards wellness


The Munay Ki is a system Alberto Villoldo created from being shown the Rites from his work with the peoples of the Andes and the Amazon.


The Rites are Passed on from Mentor to Protégé. 

There are 9 rites in total.  Different mentors will present and give the Rites differently.  Some will fast track in a weekend, personally I like to space them over 9 months or more – that’s just what feels right for me as a mentor.


I have been blessed with protégé who are self aware.


My groups are giving me valuable insights on how they feel after the Rites.  Most report they feel hugely protected by the Bands of Power and I too noticed a huge difference after this Rite.  Individuals all feel a strong connection with one of the different Lineage groups. I have come to realise that I have a strong connection to the Daykeepers or as I put it “the ones who get things done!” My feelings are the more self-aware you are the more you will gain from Munay Ki. I think some experience in self-development, energy therapies and shamanic healing is extremely important coming into the Rites. 


Becoming a Homo-Luminous Being

Munay Ki helps you evolve to a homo-luminous being, a stage that would take many lives to evolve to is quickened in this lifetime.  Receiving the Rites has nothing to do with Ego, in fact the opposite.  Taking the Rites with a beautiful group of Souls makes for a magical experience.  I provide a comfortable, peaceful and supportive environment AND importantly AFTERCARE with a dedicated facebook group specifically for my protégé. 

In the Quecha language “Munay” means “I Love You”. 


Here are the Principles Behind Munay Ki…

Nonviolence ~ Bring no harm to yourself or others.

Truthfulness ~ Be true to your word, and let your word be true.

Integrity ~ Do not steal, not even a glance; walk your talk.

Moderation ~ Use wisely the life force within you.

Generosity ~ Give more than you take for nothing in the world really belongs to you.


My Journey Being Initiated to The Rites…

This took a year and I waited another 14 weeks after my 9th Creator Rite, before I began to pass the Rites on.   It is advised to wait 14 weeks to give the “seed” time to germinate and grow. One major shift I and my protégé have had is our priority for self-care. 


Self Nourishment

Yes the penny has finally dropped, we have to look after our own needs and nurture ourselves in order to be well, so we can nurture others.  We need to create our own sacred space to heal so we have the energy to hold that sacred space for others.  For some of us that meant upholding and creating new boundaries.  It meant taking a break from work.  It meant challenging others and communication to ask for support.  It meant looking at our health and taking responsibility for what we put into our bodies.  If we hold ourselves sacred then we need to fuel ourselves on clean and nourishing foods.  For some of us it meant major dietary changes. For some it meant a complete career change to doing what they loved full time.  For many of us it has sparked an interest or deepened our passion to protect the environment.


Boundaries & Creativity

I myself made some changes to my work pattern, I have upgraded my boundaries.  I have made more time for self, for holidays.  I have made physical space (if still struggling on time space) to be creative.  Being creative, painting …makes me happy!  I had a full health screen and made some major dietary changes.  I followed with 2 ten day detoxes inspired by Alberto Villoldo’s book One Spirit Medicine. The changes were physical, mental and emotional but also deeply spiritual.


One Spirit Medicine

The day after my detox I performed a new healing technique during a shamanic healing session with a client I had never done before!!  This is the One Spirit Medicine!  When we clean our gut-brain connection we have access to the higher parts of our brain!  We have access to deeper energies, we understand the deeper meaning of those energies.  Everything seems possible.



So in short many of my protégé including myself have become much more passionate about food and how we nourish ourselves.  We share ideas on what we are making, recipes and such and I feel a lovely community of light bringers gathering to share knowledge as we might have done on herbal medicines centuries ago.


Kambo, Sananga, Hape & Ayahuasca

Just over a year ago I was introduced to intensely healing medicines from the Amazon such as Kambo, Sananga, Hape and Ayahuasca.  Before that I had been working with sacred Cacao for a year. This really helps me to connect to the Spirit of Peru and their indigenous wisdom as reflected in the Munay Ki Rites.  I now offer Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies and I wonder if the Munay Ki helped me to get to this point. I never expected to be here, it just kind of happened – how wonderful. Let life happen to you!





About Deer Heart Woman

Hello, I’m Angela Sessions of Deer Heart Woman. I like to consider myself a Spiritual Warrior in this game of Life. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I like to keep my posts informative and light hearted.  If you’d like to work with me as your Munay Ki Mentor, please contact me.


Owl Medicine – Wisdom from the Ancestors

Owl Medicine – Wisdom from the Ancestors

Owl Medicine Wisdom – the owl is a sacred animal totem within many cultures. A vision of awesomeness! 

Owl has naturally evolved to be a top predator yet remains under threat as I write this. Since 2016 I have facilitated an exclusive Owl Medicine Wisdom Shamanic Workshop.  This is made possible by The Owls Next Door (quite literally) who come to join us on the workshop.  


Owl Medicine Wisdom


Owl Medicine Wisdom Shamanic Workshop

So far this shamanic workshop has been held at my home in Derby, Swadlincote and Leicester. I cannot even begin to tell you what an amazing job Lynne and Tony do at looking after the many owls and parrots they’ve rescued.  Most of the owls they look after were once kept as pets and their owners could no longer look after them.  They also have wild owls that have been in an accident and would no longer survive in the wild. A percentage of the workshop fee is given to the sanctuary and we raise funds on a monthly basis with reiki shares and other events.  Feathers are also available to buy for a donation, and which can be used for sacred crafts or healing tools.



Owl Medicine Wisdom Workshop

My owl medicine wisdom workshop describes the power of animal spirit guides and how we can work with their “medicine” for healing.  In this workshop I specifically focus on the owl who brings us many gifts such as Wisdom and enhanced Intuition.  The owl is a symbol of lunar energy, the feminine aspect and is therefore a strong totem to work with on specific moon cycles. Owls were once seen as harbingers of death and there were many superstitions about them. The barns owl’s ghostly face would portend a death in the family.  Owls are certainly looked on more favourably in modern times but the barn owl in particular in the UK, is dramatically declining due to habitat loss. 



Goddess Athena – Goddess of Wisdom

The owl medicine wisdom workshop includes a beautiful meditation with the Goddess Athena, goddess of wisdom whose symbol was an owl. Followed by a healing exercise where everyone chooses an owl feather as their healing tool to use on themselves and others.  We also make an owl essence to use for energy healing. We practise the shamanic energy healing technique with a partner and everyone receives healing. Then the really fun part – a personal owl medicine wisdom experience!

Please note these owls are allowed to be touched as they are not used in flying demonstrations.




Healing Fear

Everyone enjoys the experience with the owls, people who come with fear of owls leave feeling much lighter and happy to have held and stroked an owl. The workshops are relaxed and comfortable with little time pressure, and students leave with a much deeper understanding of the medicine owl spirit offers us.  In 2017 an article about the workshop was published in Spirit & Destiny Magazine.


Owl Medicine Wisdom

Owl Medicine Wisdom


Owl Medicine Workshop Availability

My Owl Medicine Workshops run in the UK, about twice a year. If you would like to join one or if you would like us to come to your area, for an organised group (within 1 hour driving distance of Derby) please contact me.




About Deer Heart Woman 

Hey there! I’m Angela Sessions of Deer Heart Woman ~ Reiki Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Mum and full time carer.  I’m passionate about the earth, animals, crystals, plants and people. I enjoy writing these blogs from time to time to share my thoughts and feelings. Remember it’s just my point of view! Hope you enjoyed the read and thanks for taking a few minutes of your day to engage and leave a comment – much appreciated.

Equine Assisted Therapy ~ Horse Spirit Medicine

Equine Assisted Therapy ~ Horse Spirit Medicine

I wanted to learn more about Equine Assisted therapy (EAT) and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) and it just so happens one of my Reiki and Shamanic Students, Dr Nichola Marchant, is a qualified therapist. She invited me to meet the horses – her healing team…

Dr Nichola Marchant would have been a rare find a few years ago, but now we find Doctors not only working with Western medicine but embracing energy medicine to! The best of both worlds, working in a truly holistic way is surely the way forward in medicine and healing.


Meeting the Horses

My son Jed aged 11 and myself wanted to learn more about Equine Assisted Therapy & Horse Spirit Medicine – so we went to meet her horses…

Nichola has 6 horses to work with and it was awesome to meet all the horses and experience their different energies and personalities.  Once there I could definitely sense some faery and unicorn energy working through the horses.  My son Jed has never shown a big interest in horses but I have always thought due to his gentle nature, that he would enjoy working with or riding horses.  He absolutely loved them and a chipnic in the car (open wrapped chips and gravy picnic) on the way home, was the cherry on top.  His comment was, “this evening has been brilliant!”



Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way

The horses are super friendly – often nibbling on any item of clothing that takes their fancy, and they especially loved my walking stick.  However, they like to introduce themselves in their own time and I feel the horses that particularly want to work with you or “vibe” with your energy, stay close – often scraping a foot on the floor or giving a gentle nudge for comforting contact.  Unfortunately I have an allergic reaction when my skin comes into contact with the horses but I just wore leather gloves so I could still stroke them.  There is always a way around everything!

The horses have a very calming effect and I can understand how they help therapeutically.

Horses are very good at reading a person’s energy – how they are feeling emotionally, mentally and physically.  They can do this because they have evolved from being prey animals in a herd – they have had to develop skills at reading the energy of their own herd members but also the body language of other animals in order to survive.  You cannot hide anything from a horse!



Equine Assisted Therapy

Horses can assist us in so many ways:


On a physical level they can help build fitness and confidence especially among riders with disabilities, providing wonderful sensory experiences for people with learning disabilities or with physical disability.


On an emotional level they provide comfort and reassurance.  They allow us to express ourselves with no judgement, animals love unconditionally.


On a mental level they help us to reveal behavioural patterns that could be causing problems and provide tools for change.


On a spiritual level they help us connect back to nature (there is a lot of nature-deficit-disorder currently!).  They help us to realise that everything on the planet is connected.  Working with the horses also develops your own skills at reading body language and the environment, I should think they expand your self-awareness and emotional intelligence.



Horse Spirit Medicine

I work with horse spirit when I shamanic journey, she helps me to travel to and through the different levels of the shamanic cosmos. I ride on her back, or run alongside her, my trusty companion.

Horse spirit medicine symbolises mastery over yourself, harnessing natural forces and therefore living our life purpose.  They stand for independence and freedom (which is why they are often associated with travel, but not necessarily travel in the 3rd dimensional realm).  They represent the phenomenal power of the mind, body, spirit connection.  Their medicine helps us find trust in relationships and aids us in serving self and others.



Ross Cooper Natural Horsemanship

I have also spent an afternoon with Ross Cooper who is skilled at natural horsemanship.  I’m very lucky to meet such people and our paths crossed when Ross came to learn Reiki with me.  I watched Ross connecting with the horses and we both gave the horses Reiki and tried some communication through the energy connection. Ross works with horses and their owners to create a happy and healthy relationship.

To work with horses is a very special gift and to anyone like Dr Nichola Marchant & Dr Nichola Marchant I say thank you for offering services to heal others through your own connection to horses..

You can find out more about Dr Nichola Marchant & Ross Cooper, and what they do here:

Dr Nichola Marchant’s Website

Ross Cooper Website 



About Deer Heart Woman

Hello I am Angela Sessions of Deer Heart Woman.  I like to consider myself a Spiritual Warrior in this game of Life. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.  I am no expert on horses and like to keep my posts informative and light hearted.  I also like to honour the spirit animals I work with whenever possible so this blog is dedicated to the spirit of the horse.

13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb and Connecting to the Divine Feminine Within

13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb and Connecting to the Divine Feminine Within

Last year I became really interested in womb healing…

I had been searching for someone to pass on the 13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb – wishing to go deeper into this mystery powerhouse of feminine energy.



Munay Ki Rites

Munay Ki Rites should always be passed on in person, as requested by the Quecha people that gifted them to us.  I couldn’t find someone to pass on the rite – the connection just wasn’t there so I let it be for the time being trusting the universe would perfectly time everything.  In the meantime I worked with sacred cacao to start to “unpack” years of suppressed energy within my womb.


13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb


Everything really kicked off when I attended an Ayahuasca ceremony with Shipibo shamans from Pachamama Temple, Peru in January 2018.  Wow!  The pain being released from my womb and sacral chakra was immense and it lasted for hours.  I was told I was releasing years of suppressed emotion and karma, not just my own but other peoples I had carried with me into this lifetime.  I was also guided to stop the only pharmaceutical I was on at the time – the contraceptive pill.  Once I returned home I continued to work with Kambo, Cacao, Sananga and Hape and listened intently to any messages given to me.  One message was that I was now allowing my womb to be free in its natural state, I was no longer suppressing the energy there and this would release my full potential and divine power as a woman!



Divine Timing

Suddenly I was connected through a friend of a friend (you know how it goes) to a lovely lady who was happy to give me the Rite of the Womb incorporated into a day of ceremony to work on healing the womb.  Jayne is a registered Moon Mother and has years of experience as a womb healer, she gives womb blessings and holds womb healing ceremonies.  I organised a small group of us to visit Jayne and what an amazing day it was.  I knew at this point that I had to have the massive clearing with the Shipibo shamans to then fully accept the Rite of the Womb and be able to pass it onto others.  It was divinely timed!

In that group we felt a beautiful sisterhood.  We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we gave each other space to allow our process and Jayne held the sacred space beautifully.  She also gave us a very deep and powerful womb healing individually.  We were all together comfortably as women, no judgement, no envy, no victims, no more suppressing our pain.   We were free to literally let rip.  We spoke about our feelings, our experiences, our anger, our sadness.  The energy was very deep.  We felt as sisters.



A Welcome Change

And as with all rites, initiations, transmissions and attunements now the work really begins.  We do not get healed just from receiving a rite or attunement, yes this can help a release or imbalance but we have to integrate energetic medicine for it to fully work its magic.  There are specific requests to follow after receiving the rite of the womb but real healing comes not just from a monthly ritual but from putting into practice all that we have learned about ourselves.  WE have to CHANGE.



We have to let suppressed emotions arise, we have to deal with conflict instead of hiding from it.  We have to stop people pleasingWe have to learn to say NO and not feel guilty about it.  We have to take time for self-care.  We have to realise our full potential and live it.  We have to stop living through the eyes and control of others.  We have to stop living through our children.  We are our own fresh start.  Womb healing gives us a chance to be reborn.



The Feminine Ancestral Line

With womb healing we also connect to our feminine ancestral line.  This is something I’ve been working on for a while and have been helping others through my Ancestral Healing Workshop.  We can connect with our mother, grandmother, great grandmothers and so on.  We can heal any ancestral patterns of energy that have come down the female line and stop them here right now before they get passed onto other females in our family.  Isn’t that amazing?  We can heal our relationships with our mothers and with our daughters.  We can also work with the “mother wound”, the deepest of wounds.  We can go back into past lives were we were mistreated, abused or worse for being a woman, being a woman with healing skills such as a midwife or medicine woman or being accused as a witch.  There is another blog to write just in this paragraph alone!



13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb

You are never too young or too old to receive womb healing.  Coming together with your sisters is a beautiful thing.  If you would like to attend a womb healing ceremony with me (which will include the rite of the womb, womb healing and energetic transmissions and meditations – either in a group or a one to one ceremony) please contact me.


About Deer Heart Woman

Hey there I am Angela Sessions of Deer Heart Woman, Reiki Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Mum and full time carer.  I am passionate about the earth, animals, crystals, plants and people.  I enjoy writing these blogs from time to time to share my thoughts and feelings.  Remember it’s just my point of view!  Hope you enjoyed the read and thanks for taking a few minutes of your day to engage, much appreciated.