Last year I became really interested in womb healing…
I had been searching for someone to pass on the 13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb – wishing to go deeper into this mystery powerhouse of feminine energy.
Munay Ki Rites
Munay Ki Rites should always be passed on in person, as requested by the Quecha people that gifted them to us. I couldn’t find someone to pass on the rite – the connection just wasn’t there so I let it be for the time being trusting the universe would perfectly time everything. In the meantime I worked with sacred cacao to start to “unpack” years of suppressed energy within my womb.
Everything really kicked off when I attended an Ayahuasca ceremony with Shipibo shamans from Pachamama Temple, Peru in January 2018. Wow! The pain being released from my womb and sacral chakra was immense and it lasted for hours. I was told I was releasing years of suppressed emotion and karma, not just my own but other peoples I had carried with me into this lifetime. I was also guided to stop the only pharmaceutical I was on at the time – the contraceptive pill. Once I returned home I continued to work with Kambo, Cacao, Sananga and Hape and listened intently to any messages given to me. One message was that I was now allowing my womb to be free in its natural state, I was no longer suppressing the energy there and this would release my full potential and divine power as a woman!
Divine Timing
Suddenly I was connected through a friend of a friend (you know how it goes) to a lovely lady who was happy to give me the Rite of the Womb incorporated into a day of ceremony to work on healing the womb. Jayne is a registered Moon Mother and has years of experience as a womb healer, she gives womb blessings and holds womb healing ceremonies. I organised a small group of us to visit Jayne and what an amazing day it was. I knew at this point that I had to have the massive clearing with the Shipibo shamans to then fully accept the Rite of the Womb and be able to pass it onto others. It was divinely timed!
In that group we felt a beautiful sisterhood. We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we gave each other space to allow our process and Jayne held the sacred space beautifully. She also gave us a very deep and powerful womb healing individually. We were all together comfortably as women, no judgement, no envy, no victims, no more suppressing our pain. We were free to literally let rip. We spoke about our feelings, our experiences, our anger, our sadness. The energy was very deep. We felt as sisters.
A Welcome Change
And as with all rites, initiations, transmissions and attunements now the work really begins. We do not get healed just from receiving a rite or attunement, yes this can help a release or imbalance but we have to integrate energetic medicine for it to fully work its magic. There are specific requests to follow after receiving the rite of the womb but real healing comes not just from a monthly ritual but from putting into practice all that we have learned about ourselves. WE have to CHANGE.
We have to let suppressed emotions arise, we have to deal with conflict instead of hiding from it. We have to stop people pleasing. We have to learn to say NO and not feel guilty about it. We have to take time for self-care. We have to realise our full potential and live it. We have to stop living through the eyes and control of others. We have to stop living through our children. We are our own fresh start. Womb healing gives us a chance to be reborn.
The Feminine Ancestral Line
With womb healing we also connect to our feminine ancestral line. This is something I’ve been working on for a while and have been helping others through my Ancestral Healing Workshop. We can connect with our mother, grandmother, great grandmothers and so on. We can heal any ancestral patterns of energy that have come down the female line and stop them here right now before they get passed onto other females in our family. Isn’t that amazing? We can heal our relationships with our mothers and with our daughters. We can also work with the “mother wound”, the deepest of wounds. We can go back into past lives were we were mistreated, abused or worse for being a woman, being a woman with healing skills such as a midwife or medicine woman or being accused as a witch. There is another blog to write just in this paragraph alone!
13th Munay Ki Rite of the Womb
You are never too young or too old to receive womb healing. Coming together with your sisters is a beautiful thing. If you would like to attend a womb healing ceremony with me (which will include the rite of the womb, womb healing and energetic transmissions and meditations – either in a group or a one to one ceremony) please contact me.
About Deer Heart Woman
Hey there I am Angela Sessions of Deer Heart Woman, Reiki Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Mum and full time carer. I am passionate about the earth, animals, crystals, plants and people. I enjoy writing these blogs from time to time to share my thoughts and feelings. Remember it’s just my point of view! Hope you enjoyed the read and thanks for taking a few minutes of your day to engage, much appreciated.
This is the first time I have heard of this and it makes complete sense to me.
Now looking to find a practitioner or group where I live (W Africa)